Friday, October 14, 2011

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to the zoo we go! Pictures added!

Brad, Lizzi and I decided to take a trip to the zoo. It was lots of fun! I love going to see all the animals. Brad was a little sad because the bear exhibits are under construction and he wasn't able to see the polar bears. Next spring we will be able too! I was super excited to see the giant turtle. He's my favorite. I also really enjoyed seeing the baby elephant. Lizzi seemed to like the monkeys and any cat type animal. She also really enjoyed being out and about. She was passed out before we left the zoo. I will update with pictures as soon as I get them on to my computer.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby Food try #2

I got my Baby Bullet exchanged today and finished making squash. I also took a crack at trying to make oatmeal for Lizzi. It worked pretty well. She seemed to really like it! I am not sure who has more fun me making all the food or Lizzi eating it all. She sure does love her big girl food! Well except for bananas. One day she will get there... I hope!

After Lizzi ate her oatmeal she had some juice... Oh man does she love her new cup. Brad and I got her a new cup that has a straw. She took to it better than a bottle. I I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baby Food

My mom got me the only the coolest thing EVER!!! for my birthday. The Baby Bullet! Oh yeah! That's right be jealous.... Ok seriously though it's so neat. I was super excited yesterday to finally get to use it. Brad and did our grocery shopping and I got all the stuff I needed to make food for Lizzi for the next few months. Got home and started baking veggies and fruits to go to town with my Baby Bullet. Got the veggies in the batch bowl and it doesn't work! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so not pleased. After calling the Baby Bullet company several times and not getting anywhere I called Target to see what they can do to help me. They are exchanging it for a new one! I had to call several stores to find one in stock that I can exchange tomorrow so that I can finish making baby food! I will update with pictures when I have my new one in hand!